Music player! Now fully functional! If you choose to use it, it will play an organ cover of They're Going To Get You from DOOM. >:^3 The music player is smart enough to remember where you left off.
If you prefer, you can listen to the playlist provided at the bottom of the page.
Added images and some simple ass games. You can find them at the bottom of this page!
An archive! In case my Twitter page goes down, because if it does, 60% of the images I added won't be available. The page loses 97% of its functionality if you choose to view it via the archive, the games won't be playable, you won't be able to listen to the playlist provided, and none of the buttons will work. I don't think I'll archive this again after updating the page.
Here is some music for you to listen to, if you don't like the music provided in the music player. This can also be found on my personal page. It's a playlist full of music I like, but I hope I can introduce you to some new artists.
...and some images/GIFs for you to look at! Some from, some original.
First off, my OC, Aya(an). They wear a mask to hide their Identity™.
Another one of my OCs! His name is Vitaliy.
TOLYA HIMSELF. I can't show you the full image because it's NSFW...but the text on the image says it all!
That's peak babciacore if I do say so myself!
somebody please come get your grandma
A picture of my cat! He's cute.
Doomguy really said UwU, didn't he?
I found this by searching "grimes" on gifcities! I wonder if Grimes likes beaches?
I drew Wadanohara earlier this year!
Courtney Love says:
No tea, just facts.
This is cursed, so I'm including it here.
babcia please dont snatch my wig
My eyes.
oo wee oo
She's a model, and she'll write her way into his heart!
higuwashi ga nyaku...akazu no mowi e...
my button...>:3
Feel free to use this button to link back to my site!
Playing Tic Tac Toe might be hard with the text that's just orbiting around your cursor. Just wait until it's all the way around your cursor and you'll be good to go.
More to come!